Posted February 13, 2012 3:57 pm by

Lunk Alarm is this why Men’s Health is calling Planet Fitness “The Worst Gym In America “?

Then there’s the fact that certain bodybuilding exercises—like dead lifts and clean-and-jerks—are prohibited. CEO Mike Grondahl has further promised, “We’ll be the only fitness chain that can say we’ll never try to sell you personal training. A lot of people will say we are dead wrong with this historic move. But the world was flat once, and who the hell needs a friend for 50 bucks an hour?” The facility also comes equipped with a “lunk alarm”—a siren that is supposed to go off whenever someone grunts too loudly or drops a heavy weight on the floor. (The latter is a moot point at most Planet Fitness locations, where they don’t even have any large weights.) I’ve never set off the alarm, but on more than one occasion, in different locations around the country, I’ve been lectured by staffers for breathing too hard when lifting, and I’ve gotten dirty looks for excessive sweating in the weight room. Clearly it’s not my planet either.

The strategy is working. “It’s just a Curves that allows men,” wrote one critic on their Facebook page, referencing the hugely successful, if not quite competition-level, women’s gym that has some 10,000 locations around the world. Planet Fitness, for its part, has been one of the fastest growing players in the fitness industry over the past couple of years, with 422 clubs in operation and around $150 million in annual revenue, according to Craig. Those numbers put the chain in the company of other big industry players like 24 Hour Fitness and Gold’s Gym.