Posted May 18, 2017 1:33 pm by

Dani Mathers is banned from all LA Fitness gyms.

Dani Mathers followers let her know how cruel and inappropriate they felt the post was and then as the media picked up the story and the backlash grew, the model was forced to shut down her social media accounts.

Mathers’ Twitter jeremiad took place a day after a judge handed the Playmate a big blow in the case against her, denying both Mathers’ motion to dismiss the charges and her motion to continue.

After being unanimously condemned for body-shaming the woman, Mathers apologized. In November of 2016, Mathers pleaded not guilty after being charged with misdemeanor invasion of privacy.

In February, the Los Angeles City Attorney’s office scoffed at Mathers’ request to have her sentence deferred, stating that Mathers “does not qualify nor merit such leniency”. Charges can result in up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Last July, Mathers took a pic of the a 70-year-old woman changing without her consent and body shamed that woman via Snapchat with the caption, “If I can’t unsee this then you can’t either”. Mathers must be held responsible for her actions, but if we do not approach the issue as systemic, we won’t achieve much.

A judge ruled on Monday against Dani Mathers in Los Angeles Superior Court in her bid to toss a misdemeanour count of invasion of privacy. In that motion, Mathers’ attorney argued that the person in the photo is too far away to be recognizable “and the victim, her features can not be identified”. In the case of Mathers it’s obvious there was malicious intent here but I think this is a very slippery slope we’re on here.

Ms Mathers was also banned from all LA Fitness gyms.

“While body-shaming, in itself, is not a crime, there are circumstances in which invading one’s privacy to accomplish it can be”, Feuer added. Now, Mathers heads to court to fight accusations that she has violated a specific Peeping Tom law pertaining to the dissemenation of images of strangers. The image was meant to make fun of the woman’s body, but resulted in a load of legal trouble for Playboy’s Miss May 2014.